Become a Youth Sponsor

What can your sponsorship do for Theatre Ancaster Youth Programs and Productions?

Theatre Ancaster has youth programs for all age groups from pre-kindergarten to the end of high school.  Our performers grow in age through Jitterbugs, then Skill Builders, Junior Broadway, and GLEE that lead to The Young Company.  We also have Summer Camps for all ages. Every year, close to 400 talented, enthusiastic youth take part in adding and developing new skills, working together as a team, and learning to love performing and creating for the stage, all while performing for delighted audiences!

As a Youth Sponsor, you can play a big role watching and supporting the youth as they grow, delight and shine. Your sponsorship can add that extra support that helps put a production over the top by allowing more costuming, additional lighting, better sound and even an extra instructor!

Become a part of our family and help make a difference.

The Sponsorship Committee is happy to discuss your interests, so please email us if you have any questions or need more information.

This sponsorship includes all youth productions and programs

  • Jitterbugs
  • Skill Builders Programs
  • Summer Camp Productions
  • Stage 2: GLEE Production
  • Stage 2: Jr. Broadway
  • Stage 3: Young Company

Benefits for Sponsored Shows

  • 12 total complimentary tickets to be used at productions of GLEE, Jr. Broadway or Young Company productions
  • Logo, name and ad in online digital playbill with direct link to your site
  • Logo and name in printed playbill
  • Logo and name on Theatre Ancaster website with direct link to your site
  • Promotion in Theatre Ancaster Newsletter
  • Rolling slideshow presentation in the venue lobby before shows
  • Pre-show promotion in auditorium before show

Sponsorship of one youth production by GLEE, Jr Broadway or the Young Company.

Benefits for Sponsored Show

  • 4 complimentary tickets
  • Logo, name and ad in online digital playbill with direct link to your site for sponsored show
  • Logo and name in printed playbill for sponsored show
  • Logo and name on Theatre Ancaster website with direct link to your site
  • Promotion in Theatre Ancaster Newsletter for sponsored show
  • Rolling slideshow presentation in the venue lobby before sponsored show
  • Pre-show promotion in auditorium before sponsored show
Two show sponsorship for $1400 ($100 discount) with 8 complimentary tickets

Sponsorship of one youth program – Jitterbugs or Skill Builders

Benefits for Sponsored Shows

  • Recognition in playbills
  • Logo and name on Theatre Ancaster website with direct link to your site
  • Pre-show promotion before performance

The Youth Restaurant Sponsor must have facilities and food offerings that are age appropriate for the casts and agree to provide a discount to patrons and the casts and crews of the youth shows. 

Food discount of 10% for cast, crew & patrons – excluding specials and alcohol during the full run of the youth productions. Additional benefits to casts and crew during the year as negotiated.

Benefits for Sponsored Shows

  • 4 complimentary tickets to be used at a production or productions of GLEE, Jr Broadway or Young Company
  • Logo and name with discount promotion information on the Theatre Ancaster website with direct link to your site
  • Logo and name with promotional discount information for patrons in both online and printed playbills
  • Theatre Ancaster member and cast support at host restaurant during the year