The Surprise Party


For accessible seating (including those with walkers) and group sales, please contact the box office at 905-304-3232

It was a surprise party like no other – a comedy of errors, one might say. But then, that would all depend on your point of view, wouldn’t it?

Jill has spent months planning a special party for Jack, and what a surprise it is when he discovers who is on the guest list. But the tables are turned when, after a series of unfortunate mishaps, Jack’s body is found stabbed, hanged, poisoned, choked and gutted, and everyone becomes a suspect in a murder.

The Surprise Party is a farcical romp that looks at what could happen when a man comes face to face with his past.


This Seniors Series show features performers aged 55+ from our Classics Company: Play program. Members showcase their talents as they present original plays.

Dates and Times:

March 7, 8, 14, 15 at 7:30 pm
March 8, 9, 15, 16 at 2:00 pm


Ticket Price*:

Adults: $34
Seniors: $32
Youth: $15

*Additional fees will apply


Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre
Voortman Studio Theatre
357 Wilson Street East
Ancaster, ON, L9G 2C1

Gord Conroy

Gord Conroy


Gord is one of the Founding Directors of Theatre Ancaster. He has directed, co-directed, and produced more than 30 shows for theatre Ancaster including such personal favourites as Joseph, Superstar, My Fair Lady and The Wizard of Oz, which included over thirty pint-sized munchkins. He’s also appeared on stage in several shows and still loves to sing with the Theatre Ancaster Chorus.

Gord is also the Past President of the company and is involved with community relations and sponsorship. He is one of the originators of Summer Camp, The Young Company, ArtSMART, the Theatre Ancaster Chorus, and The Classics Company.

He’s been honoured as a Paul Harris Fellow, nominated for Citizen of the Year and even before Theatre Ancaster, was involved with directing and acting in shows for school and community ever since he directed Romeo and Juliet as a young teacher way back in 1965.


How can I buy tickets to a Theatre Ancaster show?
  1. ONLINE through the Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre ticket portal
  2. TELEPHONE through the Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre at 905-304-3232
  3. IN-PERSON through the Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre
Where can I park at the Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre?

There is parking available behind Memorial, as well as in several nearby lots within easy walking distance.

Parking map

What is your refund/exchange policy?

There are no ticket refunds. Exchanges for the same production only can be made up to 24 hours prior to the performance date of your original tickets.

Do you offer group discounts?

Yes, we offer a group discount when one individual purchases 20 or more adult tickets to the same performance.  Each person in the group will receive the senior ticket price, versus the adult ticket price, for that performance.

Can I bring my infant/young child to a show without a ticket?

All children, regardless of age, require a ticket to attend a performance. To attend, children should be able to sit quietly in their own seats throughout a 2-hour performance. The student price applies to all children and students up to and including university. Please note: Not all performances are suitable for children.

Will Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre have booster seats available for children?

Yes, a limited number of booster seats will be available at the theatre, and they will be provided on a first-come first-serve basis. You will not be able to reserve a booster seat.

Does the Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre have a scent-free policy?

For the safety and comfort of your fellow audience members, please refrain from using perfume or scented products before coming to the theatre. Theatre Ancaster promotes a scent-free environment, as a growing number of our patrons have allergies or sensitivities to perfume and scents from laundry detergent, dryer sheets, deodorant, hairspray, hand cream, etc. Thank you for your cooperation.

Can I bring outside food or drink into the venue?

No outside food or drink is permitted at the Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre. Refreshments and snacks may be purchased on site at the theatre.

Is there a coat check at Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre?

No, the Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre will not have a coat check.