John Nielsen Award
Janet Delsey – 2019
Janet Delsey – 2019
Nominees: Bob Carle, Krys Croxall, Lindsay Jones and Todd Rich
Michelle Chin, herself a Nielsen Award recipient, highlighted Delsey’s contributions to the crowd of supporters. “Jan is a Jack-of-all-trades and master of many in her 14 years with the company. She is a talent both on stage and off.”
The playbills of most Theatre Ancaster shows feature Jan not just once, but often twice or more. She created and manages the Theatre Ancaster website, welcomes patrons as part of the front-of-house teams, helps with props and has created posters and programs. In 2012, Jan co-developed the youth programs online registration system and continues to provide database support for the registration process each term. She has also served as secretary on the board of directors. Jan founded the Theatre Ancaster Chorus in 2013 and has been its program director ever since.
“Jan is a lovely, kind and supportive person, which is a big reason for the success of the shows she is involved in,” said Chin. “She does whatever it takes and is always willing to go the extra mile to make things happen. I cannot imagine Theatre Ancaster without her.” Gord Conroy who chairs the Nielsen Award Committee explains: “The Nielsen Award salutes a member of Theatre Ancaster’s production team who is a leader, like John was, who works hard, and by example, encourages and motivates others. That certainly fits Jan Delsey.”